A New Season
Brooklynbretta Fest

Feastin' at the Buffet

Dsc04961I've known about whiteboy hip-hop duo Grand Buffet for a long time through my Pittsburgh friends, though I never had the chance to see them live before last night's midnight Dsc04978_2show at Dsc04967_2Mercury Lounge. Highly entertaining, with positive raps about politics, drugs, celebrity, and other American malaises. They've been around for over a decade, but have been starting to gain some traction on the indie scene, showing up on festival bills like Austin's Fun Fun Fun fest in November. They'll be back here to play Roseland on Oct. 13 with Of Montreal.

Dsc04988_3 Speaking of Pittsburgh, my friend Greg Hoy and his new outfit Twice as Bright will be playing today's free BrooklynBretta Music Festival on Sackett between 3rd and 4th Ave. Festivities kick off at noon and goes till 9p. Other acts include: Man in Gray, Frauke, and The Exeter Popes. Beergarden provided by Union Hall.
