Turkey Break
Something Old, Something New...

Off The Grid

Dsc01446_2After another late night at work, I took the L train to Williamsburg tonight to a raw space called Death By Audio, located on S. 2nd between Kent and Wythe. I was first invited here last weekend by Jason, who writes a blog about seven inch records called, well, Seven Inches: an indie trend that's way bigger than you probably think. (He also writes for Loose Record, on which he kindly posted some of my pics.) The sound here is experimental noise, and is way more vital than anything you'll hear at some sanitized Manhattan venue. It never ceases to amaze me that places like this still exist in this increasingly uninhabitable city - kudos to curator Todd P for keeping the scruff alive. Next up is math rock singer-songwriter Marnie Stern; the last band, called, consisted of cello, synth, saw, and two rhythmic drummers. Eight bucks. No phone. Deal.Dsc01464

