Day of Music
Update: Thanks to a flyer in last night's Philharmonic program, I learned that the Day of Berio is on as planned for next Saturday, February 2. The documentary film Luciano Berio will be screened in Rose Hall starting at 11am, followed by a panel discussion with Stephen Stucky and several of Berio's closest associates - including his widow, Talia Pecker Berio. Then, from 2-6pm, members of the Philharmonic and other musicians will perform all fourteen of Berio's Sequenzas. This promises to be an extraordinary musical event that will likely never be repeated in New York; I will be there for the duration. Tickets for both events are available at the box office; a combined ticket for both events is available for $40. For those looking to learn more about Berio and his music, the Philharmonic has posted an interactive feature on its website.
As if that weren't a long enough day, I'll be at the Brooklyn Philharmonic that night, for a concert including Berlioz' Symphonie-Fantastique and a theatrical version John Corigliano's Pied Piper Fantasy. Then, BAM Cafe will be hosting a nightcap with three of Corigliano's former students, including Nico Muhly; admission is free. Something tells me I'd better pack some Vitamin Water.