SXSW - Day One
I got into Austin about 6pm last night, picked up my wristband, and hit the clubs along 6th St. and Red River. Music literally comes out of every doorway during SXSW, and folks were out in force on the seasonally warm night.
Emo's was the hub of activity last night, featuring a lineup of theatrical outfits such as Gil Mantera's Party Dream, Islands and the Octopus Project. Up the street, Red Eyed Fly had a more electronics-driven lineup, including UK's F*ck Buttons and someone named Pablo, who hails from the Canary Islands and stirred up a rhythmic dance party equally influenced by Spain and Senegal. I didn't make it back to my brother Paul's till after 3am. (I have pics of all the shows, which I'll get around to posting once I'm back in NY.)
Today offers a full lineup of free day parties and 80 degree weather. Tonight's main event: the Dolly Parton/Shelby Lynne/Junior Brown concert at the Austin Music Center. I'm probably on my own for that one, but will probably meet up with Ronen, Dave and Patrick somewhere back along Red River later in the evening.
(Pic above: Hanson, playing the Convention Center mainstage.)