Metropolis Ensemble
The Stupid

The Sacred

Dsc05470Part one of my Friday evening is at St. Thomas Church hearing the Kings College Choir of Cambridge, England. Kings, whom I heard sing evensong five years ago in their home chapel (where they have sung since Henry VI chartered the school in 1441), is without question, the most famous liturgical choir in the world and the gold standard to which all others are held. I snagged the last available seat in the organ loft, affording me this panoramic view of the nave, not to mention perfectly blended sound.

The concert, led by the choir's longtime director Stephen Cleobury, includes music of British composers from the 17th to the 20th Centuries, as well as motets by Pablo Casals and Francis Poulenc. Added bonus: an excerpt from Messiaen's "Méditations sur le Mystère de la Sainte Trinité", played by 20 year old organ scholar Tom Kimber. And to think I was planning to be away this week...(More pics after the jump.)

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