No Terrorists Here
Still Bad

Wait, is this SXSW?

Wait, is this CMJ or SXSW?While hanging around Santos Party House tonight, I bumped into my co-worker Steve and his wife Sara. They hail from Austin, so we spent the better part of an hour swapping stories about SXSW, ACL, and the various clubs on Red River. (They met at Club DeVille.) Steve told me I should stick around to check out Restaurant: a duo originally from Victoria, TX (they live in LA now) that he got to know while they were at UT. Good call: these guys stir up a mess of experimental roadhouse with nothing but a plugged-in acoustic and a junk heap of gas cans, license plates an old case of Lone Star banged on with a pair of 2 inch-thick dowels (that keep breaking). Singer Troy Murrah ranted something about staying at a Day's Inn in South Brooklyn, next door to a place that sells nachos. Mmm, sounds exotic.

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