The Art of (New) Song


DSC03200 Closing out the weekend was Big Business, who played a bristling hour-long set at Mercury Lounge tonight. Bassist/vocalist Jared Warren and drummer Coady Willis - who are also 1/2 of Seattle's legendary Melvins - were joined by guitarist Toshi Kasai, who added wide-eyed energy to the mix. Their sound is metallic (often referred to as "sludge metal"), but full of psychedelic reverb that made the vocals soar and the drums echo like a shotgun. On the final number, "Africa," openers Tweak Bird wailed on harmony while the drums built a massive crescendo and the guitars churned like some kind of turbine, ending with a wild series of gong crashes. An epic way to start the week. (More pics below.)

Tweak Bird (Illinois/California)

Big Business (Los Angeles, CA)

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