The Bridge
Stops You In Your Tracks


At 4pm, I met up with composer Bradford Reed and about 15 others outside the Carroll St. F train stop, where he had us all download three of his "pieces" to our iPods. We all pressed play at the same time, and as we walked around Gowanus, the mix of field and electronic sounds synched up to the things we encountered along the way: the sound of children playing near a mural of the same, the hiss of a spray can near some graffiti. After the first piece ends, we're treated to a live performance by Kyungmi Lee, who mixes her flute and electronics with the unexpected sounds of neighbors' weed whackers and some kind of ad hoc marching band. Bradford just smiles and laughs: "It's just part of the overall sound oscillation." (More pics below.)IMG00087.jpg

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