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July 2009

Pool Party Pics


There may be no Slip n' Slide this year, but there's still dodgeball, basketball, and a riverside "beach" to keep you occupied in between/during bands. Of less appeal is the "beergarden"/holding pen to the far left of the stage, so as not to run afoul of state park rules. Which wouldn't be an issue if the amplification was halfway decent. Or if there weren't so many half-built condos blocking the sun. (More pics below.)DSC07275

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Black Keys...Black Moth...wait, who is this? Oh, yeah, Black Lips: Atlanta garage band, guitars, a few extras thrown in. They're fun enough - mosh pit and all - but not really all that interesting. Not worth sticking around for -especially since I just felt the first few raindrops. Oh well, fun while it lasted. (More pics below.)

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