In Their Bones
From the Archives

String Theory

09.11.12 035

After listening to the Berlin Philharmonic play Schoenberg and Brahms for 2+ hours at Carnegie Hall last night, I was ready for a nightcap at Williamsburg's Glasslands, where Aussie transplants Miracles of Modern Science played unbelievably catchy indie pop , using nothing but a cello, violin, mandolin, drums, and a singer playing double bass. While I was standing there, Beam and Coke in hand, I entertained the fantasy that some 1st or 2nd chairs from the BPO were going to stroll through the door and ask to sit in. After all, is there really that much of a difference between them?  (More pics below.)

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09.11.12 032 09.11.12 031 09.11.12 034
