The Greene Space
Vienna Phil @ Carnegie This Weekend

New Music Bake Sale, Vol. 2

DSC00633After the initial success of last year's New Music Bake Sale, organizers decided to move the event this year to Ft. Greene's Irondale Center: a decommissioned church on S. Oxford housing a large, horizontal space with a wrap-around balcony. The church is in a state of gentle decay, with paint peeling off the walls and a faded portrait of some unnamed saint above the stage/altar. 

As with last year, the Bake Sale - basically a grungier version of the better-known Bang on a Can Marathon - featured performances, raffles, and rows of tables behind which musicians peddled everything from CDs to cupcakes. (You also got two free pints of Six Point with your $15 admission.) Giving the event some extra sheen this year was the presence of MC's Jeff Spurgeon and Terrance McKnight, both from local classical station WQXR

In the 2 1/2 hours I spent there, I heard the piano/electronics of Pat Muchmore and Kathleen Supove, up-and-coming string quartet MIVOS, and Dither playing with blindfolds and ropes around their legs while boys without shirts gyrated and clung to Dither's chair legs. And, yes, I bought some CDs and savory snacks, all for a very good cause.

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