Darcy James Argue's Secret Society @ Joe's Pub, 11/30/10
It is very easy to take for granted the extraordinary music we have in our midst here in NYC (such is the purpose of this website.) Case in point: the orchestral jazz juggernaut that is Darcy James Argue's Secret Society, who played earlier tonight at Joe's Pub. Darcy's had quite a year this year, taking the Society everywhere from Europe to the Newport Jazz Festival, all the while keeping his regular NYC engagements at places like the Jazz Gallery. And, while he's taken it all in stride, there is no denying the sheer accomplishment of staging a show with 18 musicians, all playing his original music. We may not be living in the era of Ellington and Mingus anymore, but their legacy is still with us, if you open up your eyes. And ears.
More pics on Flickr.