Celebrate Brooklyn 2011
Die Walküre Live Now

MATA 2011

DSC02615Due to other commitments this week, I regrettably missed nearly all of this year's MATA Festival, which wrapped up last night at LPR. (Fortunately, the performances were recorded for future broadcast on Q2; Wednesday's performance is posted below.)

I did manage to catch the tail-end of Tuesday's performance by ACME and l'Aresnale, who flew here all the way from Treviso, Italy. I heard the world premiere of London-based Canadian composer Christopher Mayo's Of Trees & Fields & Men, a MATA commission. A bit repetitive and astringent, but something about it got under my skin.

Sorry, David. I'll catch you at the next MATA Interval show. Or, maybe at VOX tomorrow.

Q2 Broadcast of MATA Festival, 5/11/11:
