Florilegium Chamber Choir Presents Bach, Bruckner & Füting
Britten100: Church of the Transfiguration's "Curlew River"

Tonight at Ascension Church: Jon Gillock Plays Messiaen


For those who have any appreciation of organ music—or anyone who just wants to get their minds blown—there is an extraordinary event tonight at Ascension Church. Jon Gillock, one of the world's great orgainsts, will perform Livre du Saint Sacrament: Olivier Messiaen's awe-inspring, two-hour exploration of the holy sacrament, written near the end of his life.

This will be the fourth time I've heard this masterpiece, including Loïc Mallié's 2008 perfromance in Paris, on the organ Messiaen himself played for 61 years. 

It will also be the first time I've heard Ascension's Manton Memorial Organ, the first French-built pipe organ ever installed in New York, and the largest French organ built anywhere in almost 50 years. (You can read more about the organ here.) Not to be missed.

Tickets will be available at the door, starting at 7PM. More info here.
